Home for the Holidays in DC? FOUR Historic Homes Welcome You!

Press Contact:

Communications Officer

Mandy Katz, mkatz@tudorplace.org


Website: www.tudorplace.org

Tudor Place Historic House and Garden

1644 31st Street NW

Washington, DC 2007

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October 17, 2012

Washington, D.C. – October 17, 2012 — Four museum neighbors will open their doors to
celebrate the season with a special “Holidays through History” multi-house tour on Saturday,
December 14, from four o’clock until eight o’clock in the evening. Advance tickets are now on
sale for the event, which includes Dupont Circle’s Anderson House and The President Woodrow Wilson House, and their Georgetown neighbors, Dumbarton House and Tudor Place Historic House and Garden.

The public is invited to experience these four privately-owned historic house museums – all on
the U.S. Register of Historic Places and three designated National Historic Landmarks – fully
decked out for the holidays. Guests can stroll the mansions’ historic rooms, delight in the
ambiance of festive period decorations, enjoy music that will interpret traditional holiday
celebrations from the Federal period through the Roaring Twenties, and sample seasonal treats.

At Anderson House, a grand Beaux-Arts mansion completed in 1905, visitors will learn about Gilded Age Christmas traditions at the turn of the 20th century through the eyes of Ambassador Larz and Isabel Anderson, one of the era’s most distinguished couples. Visitors are invited to stroll through the festively decorated house, where each room will present a different theme—including decorations, gift giving, entertaining and charity. Traditional holiday music will be performed live throughout the evening. Light refreshments inspired by the Gilded Age period will be served in the Winter Garden. Guests will also have the opportunity to view the exhibition Remembering the Revolutionaries: Heroes of the Revolutionary War in American Culture, 1783-1863 (through March 1, 2014). Anderson House is located at 2118 Massachusetts Avenue, Northwest.

Dumbarton House, built circa 1800 on the heights of Georgetown, is a fine example of Federal period architecture. The home will be decorated in elegant and simple Federal-period style with greenery and an elaborate dining table where Joseph Nourse, first register of the U.S. Treasury, and his wife Maria entertained guests. The formal Parlor will come alive with music of the period performed by musicians from The Friday Morning Music Club. Our newest exhibit “Five Generations of Nourse Family Artists” will be on view, bringing this honored family tradition into the 21st century. Guests will be invited to partake of light refreshments and crafts in the contemporary Belle Vue Room ballroom. Dumbarton House is located at 2715 Q Street, Northwest.

Tudor Place Historic House and Garden, an elegant neoclassical house dating to 1816, inaugurates a change this season, blending tradition and 21st-century flair. Through six generations, the Peter family celebrated their heritage here while also embracing contemporary art and fashion. For the first time, in 2013, the museum imagines how they might have decorated for a contemporary Christmas, blending heirloom spaces and collections with modern style, in winter greenery, ribbons and bows, and the sparkle of lights and color. Visitors are invited to stroll through the mansion while listening to enchanting holiday music performed by Seraphim. Family fun continues with children’s craft activities and light refreshments. Tudor Place is located at 1644 31st Street, Northwest.

The President Woodrow Wilson House, was the final home of our twenty-eighth President. Furnished as it was in Wilson’s time, the fashionable 1915 house just off Embassy Row is a living textbook of modern American life in the 1920s—from sound recordings to silent films, from flapper dresses to zinc sinks. A splendid ten-foot tree, heavily adorned with electric lights, will fill the solarium and radiate through the Palladian window at the top of the foyer stairs. Guests will have the opportunity to explore the main museum rooms, decorated in the style of the 1920s, and visit the craft table to make their own ornaments. Woodrow Wilson House is located at 2340 S Street, Northwest.

The tour can be easily walked. Complimentary shuttle bus transportation will also be provided
for all ticketed guests, with frequent shuttles among the sites from 4:30 to 8:30 p.m.

ADMISSION: Entry to all four sites is $16 in advance and $20 at the door; children aged 17 and younger are ten dollars ($10) each. Admission to one museum only (adults or children) is $10. Admission for the museums’ members is complimentary.

Tickets may be purchased at https://holidaysthroughhistory2013.eventbrite.com/

For additional information, please contact:

  • Anderson House, 202-785-2040
  • Dumbarton House, 202-337-2288
  • Tudor Place Historic House and Garden, 202-965-0400
Located in Georgetown’s Historic District, this National Historic Landmark is a house museum distinguished for its neoclassical architecture, decorative arts collection, and five-and-a-half acre garden. Built in 1816, it was home to Thomas Peter and his wife, Martha Custis Peter, granddaughter of Martha Washington. It housed six generations of the Peter family over the course of 180 years. Now, open to the public, the historic home is one of our nation’s hidden gems. For details visit www.tudorplace.org

– Woodrow Wilson House, 202-387-4062

With Loss of 220-Year-Old White Oak, Tudor Place Re-Invests in Old-Growth Canopy

Press Contact:
Communications Officer
Mandy Katz, mkatz@tudorplace.org
Website: www.tudorplace.org
Tudor Place Historic House and Garden
1644 31st Street NW
Washington, DC 2007

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May 9, 2013

Planting the tall trees of tomorrow today

Washington, D.C. – May 9, 2013 — Chainsaws and a 75-ton crane will arrive in the Tudor Place North Garden Monday morning, May 12, to remove a white oak tree looming more than 100 feet tall that may have taken root in the 18th century. Arborists have determined that the oak is leaning dangerously, and soil fissures at its roots indicate failure. Press are invited to witness the procedure and the planned replacement planting in fall. Archival photographs like the one at right from the early 1900s show that the tree towered over past generations of the Peter family, who owned the estate for more than 180 years.

For safety reasons, the tree’s removal had to be scheduled with little notice: Its upper limbs were thinned Tuesday as a temporary measure while awaiting a crane’s availability. Tudor Place staff, Board, and supporters are bidding a reluctant farewell to this old friend. The tree stands out even on a property renowned for old-growth specimens, including the ancient Tulip Poplar named by the America the Beautiful Fund as D.C.’s “Millennium Tree.”

“The loss of this majestic tree will reshape Tudor Place’s north landscape,” said Executive Director Leslie Buhler. “However, just as previous owners honored the site’s past while planning for its future, we will replace it with a new white oak in the fall.”

While a sad event, it’s not without an optimistic side, especially for history lovers and curators
accustomed to a the long view: Measured against the Peters’s two centuries of stewarding the landscape, the time it takes for a replacement sapling to mature into a future “old-growth” tree is the proverbial eye blink. It’s not hard to picture the day when it will offer coming generations shade and the same powerful feelings stirred by nature’s gifts at Tudor Place today. (It is hoped donors will share the same vision: To defray the extraordinary cost of removing and replacing the oak and sustaining and replenishing the site’s other tall trees, a dedicated fund will be formally announced.)

Since 1983, Tudor Place Foundation has continued the Peter family tradition of nurturing the city’s tree canopy. With green spaces under threat all around us, our long view of the past that equips Tudor Place to foresee — and prepare for — a leafy future to come.

Located in Georgetown’s Historic District, this National Historic Landmark is a house museum distinguished for its neoclassical architecture, decorative arts collection, and five-and-a-half acre garden. Built in 1816, it was home to Thomas Peter and his wife, Martha Custis Peter, granddaughter of Martha Washington. It housed six generations of the Peter family over the course of 180 years. Now, open to the public, the historic home is one of our nation’s hidden gems. For details visit www.tudorplace.org

Tudor Place Archaeology Survey Earns Excellence in Historic Preservation Award

Staff receive DC Historic Preservation Award

Press Contact:
Website: https://tudorplace.org/
Tudor Place Historic House and Garden
1644 31st Street NW
Washington, DC 2007

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June 18, 2012

Washington, D.C. – June 18, 2012 — For its intensive site-wide archaeological survey, Tudor Place Historic House & Garden has been awarded the District of Columbia Historic Preservation Office’s Ninth Annual Award for Excellence in Historic Preservation. The museum’s executive director and Trustees and representatives of Dovetail Cultural Resources, which carried out the work, will accept the prize for Archaeology this Thursday, June 21, at the Sixth and I Historic Synagogue. Seventeen other prize categories include Stewardship, Design & Construction, Publications, and Affordable Housing, among others. Former Historic Preservation Review Board Chairman Tersh Boasberg will also recceive a Lifetime Achievement Award.

“We are thrilled to be recognized for this foundational survey that informs interpretation of the site and the larger scholarship on houw suburban estates of the early 19th century functioned,” said Tudor Place Executive Director Leslie Buhler. “Archaeology is a critical component of our research. We look forward to what further excavations will reveal.”

The project revealed more that 800 artifacts from the 18th through mid-20th centuries. It also offered clues to the location of possible slave quarters, what may have been a burned barn, and a small brick dwelling on the 1816 National Historic Landmark site.

The “Phase 1” survey, completed in May, covered the propertys full 5.5 acres. Dovetail Cultural Resources conducted it for Tudor Place with funding from the Clark-Winchcole Foundation. The project met goals including identifying past building sites; locating (for reference in future improvements) areas without significant subsurface cultural significance; and providing archaeological context for past and future excavations. It consisted of a pedestrian survey, close-interval subsurface “shovel tests” to recover artifacts, and mapping of all points of interest using GPS.

The survey was one of several preservation and conservation projects begun or completed at Tudor Place in 2011. Others, to cite just a few, focused on Martha and George Washington’s unique tabletop plateau and their waxwork (already the source of a rare decorative artifact); the architecturally noteworthy Temple Portico; and the Box Knot Garden once tended by Tudor Place’s original owners. All such endeavors by the Tudor Place Foundation provide documentation for school programs, educator workshops, public programs, and scholarly research.

Located in Georgetown’s Historic District, this National Historic Landmark is a house museum distinguished for its neoclassical architecture, decorative arts collection, and five-and-a-half acre garden. Built in 1816, it was home to Thomas Peter and his wife, Martha Custis Peter, granddaughter of Martha Washington. It housed six generations of the Peter family over the course of 180 years. Now, open to the public, the historic home is one of our nation’s hidden gems. For details visit https://tudorplace.org/

Tudor Place Garden Restoration Heralds Commitment to Long-Term Preservation

Press Contact:
Communications Officer
Mandy Katz, mkatz@tudorplace.org
Mobile: 202.486.7645
Website: www.tudorplace.org
Tudor Place Historic House and Garden
1644 31st Street NW
Washington, DC 2007

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May 9, 2012

Washington, D.C. – May 9, 2012 — Tudor Place Trustees, neighbors, and other supporters gathered yesterday evening in the historic Georgetown estate’s North Garden to dedicate the National Historic Landmark’s newly restored Box Knot Garden. The project restored the feature to its appearance in 1933, which itself replicated its earliest incarnation.

“This is the first significant garden restoration to be completed at Tudor Place since it passed out of private hands in the 1980s,” said Executive Director Leslie Buhler. “On a practical level, the restoration enables more sustainable horticultural practices and helps ensure this historic feature’s hardiness and growth. On a symbolic level, it exemplifies the high standards we have established for site-wide preservation efforts.”

Such improvements are only achieved through the help of dedicated donors, noted Geoffrey Baker, Vice President of the museum’s Board of Trustees, during the ribbon-cutting ceremony. He thanked J. Bruce Whelihan, Trustee of The Ruth S. Willoughby Foundation, for the significant grant that funded theproject.

Mr. Whelihan praised the Box Knot restoration as a positive step toward ensuring the entire site’s future. A Tudor Place Trustee, Mr. Whelihan noted, “These are exciting times with plans under development to fully preserve the house, collection, and garden and, at the same time, provide exhibition and dedicated education spaces.”

The restoration echoes an effort undertaken in the 1930s by owner Armistead Peter, Jr., and his son Armistead Peter 3rd. They recreated in large part the original 1816 Box Knot once tended by Martha Custis Peter, granddaughter to Martha Washington, and her husband Thomas Peter, the home’s founding owners. In recent years, the garden’s geometric hedges inlaid with rose bushes were increasingly stressed by poor drainage and changing climatic conditions, requiring frequent watering.

Director of Gardens & Grounds Suzanne Bouchard, who guided the restoration, described to attendees how the plant beds were excavated and their shrubs replaced with a new variety of boxwood more suited to D.C.’s climate. Roses, including specimens dating to the home’s earliest years, were temporarily removed and restored to their original locations, where they are now blooming prodigiously.

Located in Georgetown’s Historic District, this National Historic Landmark is a house museum distinguished for its neoclassical architecture, decorative arts collection, and five-and-a-half acre garden. Built in 1816, it was home to Thomas Peter and his wife, Martha Custis Peter, granddaughter of Martha Washington. It housed six generations of the Peter family over the course of 180 years. Now, open to the public, the historic home is one of our nation’s hidden gems. For details visit www.tudorplace.org

Preserving the Past, Ensuring the Future: ANC 2E Reviews Tudor Place Concept Design

Press Contact:
Communications Officer
Mandy Katz, mkatz@tudorplace.org
Mobile: 202.486.7645
Website: www.tudorplace.org
Tudor Place Historic House and Garden
1644 31st Street NW
Washington, DC 2007

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February 27, 2012

Washington, D.C. – February 27, 2012 — A concept design by Hartman-Cox Architects advancing Tudor Place’s
preservation plan is scheduled for review this evening by ANC2E. This concept design for the
National Historic Landmark and its remarkable collections addresses the needs of the historic site
and responds to remarks from the DC Historic Preservation Office, Old Georgetown Board,
National Park Service, National Historic Landmark Office, and the community. The ANC2E last
reviewed the preservation plan’s site plan at its July 2011 meeting, prior to its consideration by the

“It is vitally important that Tudor Place begin implementation of the Master Plan to assure the long
term preservation of the property and its collection,” according to Peter May, National Park Service
associate regional director for Lands, Resources, and Planning (National Capital Region). With
respect to the concept design being presented today, he noted, “The location, massing, detailing all
work to minimize their impact on the property and respect the spatial organization of the historic

For 183 years, six generations of one family lived at Tudor Place and safeguarded its history. As the estate’s succeeding owner, the Tudor Place Foundation similarly seeks to preserve and protect the
property in accordance with best practices for museums and historic sites.

As guiding principles, the Foundation took great care in the concept design to ensure that any new
construction: does not adversely impact historic structures on the site; preserves view sheds to and
from the main house; adheres to terms of the easement held by the National Park Service: and does
not alter key historic landscape features identified in the Cultural Landscape Report prepared by
Heritage Landscapes (the South Lawn, Service Court, Dell, and North Garden).

Tudor Place Executive Director Leslie Buhler notes that the concept design will protect Tudor
Place’s historic resources in accordance with current standards for historic sites. These include the Secretary of Interior’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties and the New Orleans
Charter for the Joint Preservation of Historic Structures and Artifacts, a foundational document for preservation accepted as a national standard for historic houses. “This National Historic Landmark takes seriously its obligation to preserve the many historic resources of the site according to best practices,” Ms. Buhler remarked.

“Without better protection of all its cultural resources, Tudor Place is at risk,” she warned.
“Protecting the main house requires installation of modern fire-protection and updating 1914
mechanical and electrical systems. To preserve the house’s original fabric, we must relocate staff
functions, collections storage, and visitor service facilities from the building.”

Added Ms. Buhler, “The collections and archives likewise require upgraded storage to meet even
minimal museum standards. Small closets, bathrooms, the basement, and the attic all currently
serve as storage spaces. This is unacceptable.” Such spaces are susceptible to flooding, insect
infestations, and extremes of temperatures and humidity, Ms. Buhler elaborated, all of which can
destroy objects and documents. In one alarming example, temperatures ranged last year between
37 and 115 degrees in a primary collection storage area.

With its great cultural resources and innovative education programs, Tudor Place is an important
institution serving the Georgetown community and beyond. The revised concept design developed
by Hartman-Cox Architects lightly touches the site and its surroundings while meeting the
demands of responsible stewardship.

Located in Georgetown’s Historic District, this National Historic Landmark is a house museum distinguished for its neoclassical architecture, decorative arts collection, and five-and-a-half acre garden. Built in 1816, it was home to Thomas Peter and his wife, Martha Custis Peter, granddaughter of Martha Washington. It housed six generations of the Peter family over the course of 180 years. Now, open to the public, the historic home is one of our nation’s hidden gems. For details visit www.tudorplace.org

Early American Wallpaper Recovered from George Washington Waxwork

Press Contact:
Communications Officer
Mandy Katz, mkatz@tudorplace.org
202.965.0400 ext. 112
Website: www.tudorplace.org
Tudor Place Historic House and Garden
1644 31st Street NW
Washington, DC 2007

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January 25, 2012

Washington, D.C. – January 25, 2012 — Tudor Place Historic House & Garden conservators andcurators received a rare glimpse of early American interior design this week with the discovery of a well-preserved sample of block-printed 18th-century wallpaper. The roughly 10-inch piece had been used on a handmade cabinet belonging to George Washington and his wife. Martha Washington’s granddaughter, Martha Custis Peter, and her husband, the founders of Tudor Place, purchased the cabinet in 1802 from Mrs. Washington’s estate.

The wallpaper had covered the top of the Washingtons’ piece, a wax and shellwork tableau
crafted by New York entrepreneur Samuel Fraunces in the 1780s. Its discovery and
conservation portend other valuable insights likely to emerge from study of the Fraunces
piece, which is undergoing a two-year, $37,400 conservation project involving specialists
in wax, textiles, and paper. The Richard C. von Hess Foundation, based in Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania, is funding the project.

“We are thrilled with this significant discovery and look forward to further research
opportunities presented by the samples,” said Tudor Place Executive Director Leslie

Adding further interest to the paper’s discovery are indications that it was manufactured
by a burgeoning domestic industry, rather than in England. A few American wallpaper
manufactories were established by the end of the 1700s, and some produced papers that
surpassed the quality of British or French imports, notes Curator of Collections Erin
Kuykendall. “The simple, repeating floral pattern printed in pink and green is typical for
late eighteenth-century American-made wallpapers,” she said. “Further research may help
identify a specific American manufacturer or retailer.”

Decorating walls with printed papers from England, France, or America was common in elite and middling American households by the late 1700s. Samples rarely survive, however, due to paper’s inherent fragility and householders’ tendency to remove or paint it over time. And samples like this one, over 10 inches in length and bearing multiple design repeats, are particularly rare. Wallpaper samples that do survive are most commonly found sealing the backs of picture frames, covering and lining books, or lining the interior of boxes and trunks, making this an unusual find.

The waxwork paper sample bears a polychromatic floral-and-vine stripe design block printed on laid paper and appears to be torn around the edges. Conservators found it under two additional layers of paper applied over time. The middle piece was a monochromatic blue wallpaper of a lesser quality in extremely poor condition. The outermost layer consisted of a patterned wallpaper dating stylistically to the mid-19th century that had been cut into multiple pieces and attached in a sort of patchwork.

“We were surprised by the excellent condition of the eighteenth-century paper, despite a
significant accumulation of soiling trapped above and below the layer,” noted conservator
Nancy Purinton, of Purinton Preservation, Inc. During the three days removal process,
conservators first humidified the layers to relax the adhesive binding them. Next, using
special spatulas, they gently lifted each layer onto a piece of archival fabric inserted
beneath it. Using the fabric as a support, they then lifted each paper away from the wooden

The wallpaper removal is one of many complicated procedures involved in the overall
conservation of Fraunces’s rare wax and shellwork tableau depicting the Greek warrior,
Hector, bidding farewell to Andromache as he returns to battle. Fraunces, who served as
steward of the Washingtons’ presidential household in Philadelphia, operated Manhattan
enterprises including the Queen Charlotte’s Head Tavern near Wall Street and the former
Vauxhall pleasure gardens on the Upper East Side.

Located in Georgetown’s Historic District, this National Historic Landmark is a house museum distinguished for its neoclassical architecture, decorative arts collection, and five-and-a-half acre garden. Built in 1816, it was home to Thomas Peter and his wife, Martha Custis Peter, granddaughter of Martha Washington. It housed six generations of the Peter family over the course of 180 years. Now, open to the public, the historic home is one of our nation’s hidden gems. For details visit www.tudorplace.org

Kuykendall Joins Tudor Place as Curator of Collections

Press Contact:
Communications Officer
Mandy Katz, mkatz@tudorplace.org
Mobile: 202.486.7645
Website: www.tudorplace.org
Tudor Place Historic House and Garden
1644 31st Street NW
Washington, DC 2007

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September 7, 2011

Kuykendall Will Lead Research, Interpretation at Historic Site Tied to George Washington and 200 Years of Georgetown, D.C., History

Washington, D.C. – September 7, 2011 — Tudor Place Historic House and Garden has appointed Erin E. Kuykendall, a specialist in early American material culture, as Curator of Collections. Ms. Kuykendall, who holds a Master of Arts degree from the University of Delaware’s prestigious Winterthur Program in American Material Culture, will lead the research, documentation, interpretation, and development of the National Historic Landmark’s collection of more than 10,000 objects.

Her knowledge of decorative arts, architectural history, and historical archaeology provide Ms. Kuykendall a strong background for leading comprehensive initiatives related to the site. One of her immediate curatorial projects will be authenticating and researching Tudor Place’s rare 18th-century wax and shell work tableau, which belonged to George and Martha Washington.

As Tudor Place’s first fulltime curator in several years, Ms. Kuykendall joins Tudor Place at a critical point. The National Historic Landmark opened to the public in 1988 following the death of the last owner, Armistead Peter 3rd, after housing six consecutive generations of a family descended from Martha Washington. Ms. Kuykendall will play a key role in shaping and advancing the Master Preservation Plan now underway to secure the Landmark House for the future, adding security systems, educational spaces and archival and collections storage, among other purposes.

A native of Richmond, Va., Ms. Kuykendall has amassed extensive collections and interpretation experience at sites including Colonial Williamsburg, Historic Mount Vernon, the Reeves Collection of Chinese Export Porcelain at Washington & Lee University, and Historic Jamestowne. She also studied English country houses with the Attingham Summer School.

For her master’s thesis, Ms. Kuykendall researched carpenters and cabinetmakers in Revolutionary Philadelphia; as an undergraduate, she researched the material culture of security and privacy in 17th-century Jamestown.

Located in Georgetown’s Historic District, this National Historic Landmark is a house museum distinguished for its neoclassical architecture, decorative arts collection, and five-and-a-half acre garden. Built in 1816, it was home to Thomas Peter and his wife, Martha Custis Peter, granddaughter of Martha Washington. It housed six generations of the Peter family over the course of 180 years. Now, open to the public, the historic home is one of our nation’s hidden gems. For details visit www.tudorplace.org

RETURNED: George Washington’s Chest-on-Chest with Original Finish Revealed!

Press Contact:
Director of Communications
Heather Bartlow, hbartlow@tudorplace.org
Website: www.tudorplace.org
Tudor Place Historic House and Garden
1644 31st Street NW
Washington, DC 2007

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July 19, 2010

Washington, D.C. – July 19, 2010 — The chest-on-chest that once stood next to the fireplace in George Washington’s bedroom has returned to Tudor Place after 6 months of conservation treatment. The chest-on-chest sits in the second floor hall at Tudor Place where it has stood for almost 200 years. The conservation took away years of grime, blended in minor repairs, and removed a poor refinishing completed in earlier years. The full conservation treatment restored the original finish and brass pulls and escutcheons. The piece looks as it did when George Washington himself gazed upon it in his bedchamber at Mount Vernon. Chest-on-chests such as this one were made to ship belongs and goods from England and Scotland to the Colonies. The piece is extremely rare as there are only a dozen documented English pieces imported to the Colonies in the mid 18th century that exist today.

Major Findings During the Assessment and Conservation

  • On the rear of the upper section of the chest-on-chest is the cipher “GWFx No. 2” and on the lower section is the cipher “GWFx No. 1”. This discovery confirmed the provenance of the piece. The chest-on-chest originally belonged to George William Fairfax and is now dated to 1740s – 1760.
  • The original finish was discovered under the escutcheon on the lowest drawer and further visible and longwave ultraviolet radiation indicated its composition.
  • The pulls, escutcheons, and key are original to the piece. The
    brass escutcheons were sand cast.

George William Fairfax of Belvoir Plantation originally shipped the chest-on-chest from England. The date of manufacture is thought to be between the late 1740’s to the 1760’s. Like
other pieces of the time, it was loaded on board ship, covered, and then tied to the gunwale for transport.

Years later the chest-on-chest was purchased by George Washington at the 1773 sale of the furnishings of Belvoir Plantation. George William Fairfax, owner of Belvoir at that time, was a friend of Washington and husband to Sally Fairfax. Washington purchased the mahogany chest and drawers that stood in Mrs. Fairfax’s chamber for £12 10s. Not a fine piece of furniture, Washington would have purchased it for practical purposes. It stood in his bedroom next to the fireplace. A depiction of the chest-on-chest is seen in John Gadsby Chapman’s 1834 painting of the room in which George Washington died. The chest-on-chest was purchased by Thomas and Martha Peter of Tudor Place at the 1802 estate sale after the death of Martha Washington, Mrs. Peter’s grandmother.

Located in Georgetown’s Historic District, this National Historic Landmark is a house museum distinguished for its neoclassical architecture, decorative arts collection, and five-and-a-half acre garden. Built in 1816, it was home to Thomas Peter and his wife, Martha Custis Peter, granddaughter of Martha Washington. It housed six generations of the Peter family over the course of 180 years. Now, open to the public, the historic home is one of our nation’s hidden gems. For details visit www.tudorplace.org


Press Contact:
Director of Communications
Heather Bartlow, hbartlow@tudorplace.org
Website: www.tudorplace.org
Tudor Place Historic House and Garden
1644 31st Street NW
Washington, DC 2007

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June 21, 2010

Washington, D.C. – June 21, 2010 — At 1:30 p.m. on June 21, 2010, Bunny Muir, Nan Hobson, and Amy Dewey of the National Society of The Colonial Dames of America in the District of Colombia presented Tudor Place Historic House and Garden in Georgetown with gifts that relate to the laying of the first transatlantic cable. The first gift, an 1857 letter from Captain Beverley Kennon to his half-sister Martha Kennon Peter, was written while he was deployed on the USS Niagara, one of the first ships to attempt the laying of the transatlantic cable. The second, is a lithograph of the USS Niagara. “We are pleased to accept these gifts that bring to life the story of one of the greatest communication feats of the 19th century.”, says Tudor Place Executive Director Leslie Buhler. “These gifts are one further example of the diverse stories related to the Peter family. The lives of the extended family touched many of the great events of American history.” A necklace made of a section of the transatlantic cable, now owned by a descendant, is currently on loan to Tudor Place.

Captain Beverly Kennon was the step-son of Britannia Peter Kennon, owner of Tudor Place from 1854 – 1911, whose husband, Commodore Beverly Kennon, was killed in a tragic accident on board the USS Princeton in 1844. Britannia raised the young Beverly Kennon along with her daughter Martha, to whom the letter is addressed, at Tudor Place. “We are very pleased to bring these objects back to their home.”, says Ms. Muir, current President of the NSCDA-DC.

Until the first transatlantic cable was laid, communication between Europe and North America took at least a week. The first cable was manufactured in 1857 and an attempt to lay it was made by the American USS Niagara and the British Agamemnon. Starting in Ireland, the cable snapped after six days with only 380 miles laid. After many failed attempts, the cable was successfully laid and became operational in July 1866. The first message sent on the cable was: “A treaty of peace has been signed between Austria and Prussia”. Within 20 years, approximately 107,000 miles of undersea cables linked all parts of the world. It was not until the 1960s that the first communication satellites offered an alternative to the cable.

Located in Georgetown’s Historic District, this National Historic Landmark is a house museum distinguished for its neoclassical architecture, decorative arts collection, and five-and-a-half acre garden. Built in 1816, it was home to Thomas Peter and his wife, Martha Custis Peter, granddaughter of Martha Washington. It housed six generations of the Peter family over the course of 180 years. Now, open to the public, the historic home is one of our nation’s hidden gems. For details visit www.tudorplace.org


Press Contact:
Director of Communications
Heather Bartlow, hbartlow@tudorplace.org
Website: www.tudorplace.org
Tudor Place Historic House and Garden
1644 31st Street NW
Washington, DC 2007

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May 18, 2010


Washington, D.C. – May 18, 2010 — Stoddert Elementary School’s 5th grade class, in partnership with Tudor Place Historic House and Garden, will be presenting Tudor Place Stories an exhibition about the history of Tudor Place and a series of short plays written by the students and performed on the historic grounds of Tudor Place on Thursday, May 27 at 6:00 p.m. (Rain date: Friday, May 28)

Tudor Place Stories is the culmination of an innovative year long school program entitled Presenting the Past. This program was piloted in September 2008 and was designed to build a close working relationship with Tudor Place and Stoddert Elementary School to utilize the wide variety of historic and natural resources available at Tudor Place “Tudor Place provides students with a unique opportunity to experience the lives of people who lived in the past, and see how daily life changed in Washington from the founding of the capital city to modern day.” says Education Director, Talia Mosconi.

Stoddert students participated in eight field trips and in-class presentations to actually experience life in the 1800’s including dressing in period clothing, learning proper etiquette and manners, singing songs from the period and learning traditional dances. Students also became history detectives as they investigated artifacts, documents, paintings, and photographs to learn about daily life in Washington from 1816 to 1983. Students then used their newly acquired knowledge from primary sources in a series of exhibit design and play-writing workshops led by the Education Staff at Tudor Place. “The process has been fantastic!” says Stoddert teacher Steve Dingledine.

Located in Georgetown’s Historic District, this National Historic Landmark is a house museum distinguished for its neoclassical architecture, decorative arts collection, and five-and-a-half acre garden. Built in 1816, it was home to Thomas Peter and his wife, Martha Custis Peter, granddaughter of Martha Washington. It housed six generations of the Peter family over the course of 180 years. Now, open to the public, the historic home is one of our nation’s hidden gems. For details visit www.tudorplace.org