Washingtonian – 92 Hidden Gems and Attractions in Washington
Ranked #8 by Washingtonian Magazine’s top hidden gems and attractions in Washington.
TUDOR PLACE | is open Tuesday – Sunday.
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But we are proud to say that Comms2018 contributed 349 entries already.
Ranked #8 by Washingtonian Magazine’s top hidden gems and attractions in Washington.
New discoveries are common at Tudor Place. Whether found in the back of a drawer, the bottom of a trunk, […]
Read about the bomb shelter at Tudor Place.
Explore a 200-year old family garden with an expert guide the last Friday of the month through October 2019 from […]
There was perfect spring weather for the 27th Annual Garden Party at Tudor Place.
Think of it this way — a group of famous interior designers stop by to check out the inside of […]
As an historic site that bears the scars of slavery, Tudor Place seeks to look this injustice in the eye. Click here to learn more.
Advance registration encouraged; suggested donation. Click for info.
1644 31st Street, NW | Washington, DC 20007
202-965-0400 | info@tudorplace.org
Advance registration encouraged; suggested donation. Click for info.
1644 31st Street, NW | Washington, DC 20007
202-965-0400 | info@tudorplace.org
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