TUDOR PLACE | is open Tuesday – Sunday.
Take a journey through humankind’s obsession with the measurement of time.
FREE share and discussion about our favorite history related books.
Learn how Martha Washington's descendants impacted the Georgetown community.
Like getting your hands dirty? Join the garden team for a morning of weeding fun. Must be 13+ yrs. old to participate.
Explore Tudor Place on a guided tour with our garden team.
Join Dr. Cassandra Good and Tudor Place Curator Rob DeHart in conversation about her book “First Family: George Washington's Heirs and the Making of America.”
Join other Garden Party Committee members in this pre-event kickoff.
Join other Garden Party Committee members in this pre-event kickoff.
Explore the music-related artifacts in the Tudor Place Collection.
Like getting your hands dirty? Join the garden team for a morning of weeding fun. Must be 13+ yrs. old to participate.
Explore Tudor Place on a guided tour with our garden team.
Enjoy afternoon tea and take a tour of the historic house to learn more about the descendants of Martha Washington.
Explore Washington DC’s oldest African American burial grounds as sites of remembrance, resistance and resilience.
Get your tickets for Tudor Place's event of the season.
Bring a picnic and enjoy live theater on the sprawling South Lawn.
Bring a picnic and enjoy live theater on the sprawling South Lawn.
Like getting your hands dirty? Join the garden team for a morning of weeding fun. Must be 13+ yrs. old to participate.
Explore Tudor Place on a guided tour with our garden team.
Join us for a guided tour of the architectural details of Tudor Place.
FREE For teachers of grades K through 12, a week-long dynamic learning experience around teaching Civil War history. Apps due March 17
Like getting your hands dirty? Join the garden team for a morning of weeding fun. Must be 13+ yrs. old to participate.
Explore Tudor Place on a guided tour with our garden team.
Explore the history of the land Dumbarton Oaks sits upon as an archive and a future.
Learn about the games played by members of the Peter family before playing with other game enthusiasts.
Like getting your hands dirty? Join the garden team for a morning of weeding fun. Must be 13+ yrs. old to participate.
Explore Tudor Place on a guided tour with our garden team.
Discover the story of Mary Kittamaquund and the lesser-known history of the lands that ultimately became the home of the Peter Family.
Like getting your hands dirty? Join the garden team for a morning of weeding fun. Must be 13+ yrs. old to participate.
Explore Tudor Place on a guided tour with our garden team.
Holiday Open House for members only. Not yet a member? Join today! We don't want you to miss this.
Join us for a festive fete "Tudor" style at this annual after hours holiday event.
As an historic site that bears the scars of slavery, Tudor Place seeks to look this injustice in the eye. Click here to learn more.