Bring a picnic and enjoy live theater on the sprawling South Lawn. The Picnic Theatre Group will present a play adaptation of The Candidate, set in 1972. In this satire of electoral politics in America, the heir of a famous political family is tapped to run a hopeless campaign against a powerful incumbent Senator. Be transported to the 1970s with music and costumes on the campaign trail.
Guests are encouraged to bring water. Be sure to remove all trash. Trash receptacles are not provided. Bring mats, blankets or a camp chair. Due to the historic landscape, games, chairs with legs, blow up furniture, red wine etc. are not permitted.
Grounds open at 5:30 p.m. The performance begins at 7:00 p.m. (90 minutes, no intermission).
Member: $20 | Non-member: $20
Washington professionals, journalists and diplomats by day the all-volunteer Picnic Theatre players donate proceeds of performances to historical preservation of museums, and arts and education charities since it’s founding in 2010.